The Marriage Service Technicians are here to support and strengthen marriages and families with prayer and words of encouragement. These 15-minute calls take place Sundays at 8:00AM and Thursdays at 7:00 AM EST. Subscribe and log in to our Member’s Only Page for valuable, free resources and the dial in phone number to join us
The Marriage Service Technicians
Keep It 100 Prayer Challenge
So here's the deal...
We recorded 100 Daily Prayer Calls
(from Sept 23-Dec 31, 2021).
All 100 of the recordings are located on this page.
Or you can find them on our Youtube channel.
We designed a companion journal that's now available on in paperback & Kindle versions.
Play the Recordings
If you're viewing this page on a phone, some days may appear to be missing or out of order...
No worries, keep scrolling, they're all here!